2 pairs of jeans that used to be baggy... ...and we won't talk about the other 4 pairs. Help me choose a pair of jeans to wear to my friend's! I'm wearing a cute crochet top and I want to pair it with some denim, but I haven't worn my favourite jeans for a year... Watch me try desperately hard to fasten my jeans while they cut into every curve of my newly plumped-up body. There's no denying my hips are getting wide... I definitely felt shy whilst filming this ♡UωU♡ ♡ talkative ♡ puffing/sighing from exhaustion ♡ sucking in and struggling trying on clothes that have gotten too small ♡ talking about growing out of clothes and how fat i'm getting ♡ expanding ass... ♡ burps ♡ belly play hanging out and talking to you as if you're my feeder in the room with me ^-^ <3 playful vibes with minimal editing where my sassy and sweet personality shines through! i hope you're impressed with my progress thus far
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